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Mr. Ankit Sabharwal"

"Exclusive Article on Mr. Ankit Sabharwal"

We all are used to technologies, which made a huge evolution in the past few decades. This pandemic situation has brought us even closer to technology. People have switched to digitalization for almost all their needs, studies have been made digital, payments are digital now, everything that we can think is digital. But do we think who people are behind this? Yes, software Engineers... We are at home using these technologies, there they are sweating, working day and night so that the software does not crash. They are the ones who made home, their office. Among them, we have, Mr. Ankit Sabharwal, a senior software Engineer in Microsoft. He is very talented and well acquainted with his sector. In this stressful condition of COVID, he has a positive attitude towards his work. Ankit himself is a diligent person and influences students and everyone else to be consistent and dedicated towards his/her goal. His wife and mentor Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar, have been his inspiration. Their constant support helped him a lot during his work from the home period. According to him, digitalization is not only for work intention but also for entertainment purposes. He thinks out of the box and finds creativity in everything a person does. No one can be best in the IT sector, as there are innovations every moment, what one can do is keep learning and exploring new opportunities. Ankit is working as a senior software engineer with Microsoft. Before beholding this position, he had led a team of 20 engineers and supporting dynamics 365 business. Technical collaboration, leadership, and management are some of the skills which are demanding for this position. Ankit has valuable close to 7 years of experience in the IT industry and has led several positions in his span of a career. He has worked in diverse cultures as well and has worked with clients of all geography like EMEA (Europe and South Africa), US regions, and many more. He has always been applauded for his sincerity and commitment towards the work and responsibilities which are bestowed upon him. Ankit has cleared his bachelor in technology with Distinction. On his creative side, he had just put some stepping stones in the world of acrylic painting and pursuing it in his free time slots. Author: Ritika Lath


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